Walking the path of Joy!

By -Published On: 21 November 2023-

A few years back, I made a pivotal decision to embark on what I call the ‘path of joy.’ This journey involves embracing actions that spark enthusiasm and making choices guided by the heart. By aligning with my passion, I navigate the path of least resistance, listening to the inner guidance from a higher source.

Walking on the path of joy has brought more flow, synchronicity, and inner peace into my life. Unexpected pleasant surprises become regular occurrences.

Now, you might be wondering how to navigate this path. It’s a straightforward concept, though not always easy to implement. Here’s the essence:

  1. Act on your highest choice:
    • In every moment, choose the option that feels best— the action that ignites the most enthusiasm. If faced with multiple choices, discern which ones evoke a positive response. Exclude the options that feel neutral or negative. From the remaining positive options, choose the one resonating with you the most. Opt for actions that genuinely feel good, guided not by your head but your heart. Pose powerful questions to yourself, like:
      • What would love do in this moment?
      • Who do I want to be right now, and how can I express the best in myself?
      • What is truly important to me? (This reveals your priorities.)
      • In which action do I feel alive, inspired, enthusiastic, and passionate?
  2. Give Your All:
    • When engaging in a chosen action, pour your heart into it. Utilize all your talents, skills, and imagination. Commit until you can’t go any further. Then, choose a new action that brings forth the most enthusiasm. Continue this cycle of choosing actions that bring you joy.
  3. Release Expectations:
    • Resist forming expectations about outcomes. It’s crucial not to be attached to a particular result. Maintaining a positive state of being requires letting go of the fruits of your actions. By avoiding expectations, you open the door to unexpected, delightful possibilities that surpass your imagination.
  4. Stay Positive Regardless:
    • Maintain a positive state of being, irrespective of external circumstances. Separate your inner state (your vibrational point of attraction) from outer circumstances. Your creative power lies in deciding how you feel. Choosing to be a victim occurs when external factors dictate your inner emotional state. Be conscious of how you react to events.
  5. Constantly Investigate Your Belief Systems:
    • Regularly examine your belief systems. Release and replace the un-preferred beliefs: fear-based beliefs and those not in alignment with who you prefer to be.

Once committed to the path of joy, be aware that the universe may reflect areas not yet aligned with your choice. Recently, I unexpectedly fell ill, a rare occurrence for me. It was as if the universe questioned my commitment: Can I stay positive when my energy is low, and my body is struggling? Illness is a neutral event—how you perceive and react to it determines whether you stay on the path.

I’ve realized that even during illness, happiness is attainable if not dependent on external circumstances. Sickness doesn’t signify veering off course; your response to it defines your trajectory.

I’m feeling much better now, reaffirming that the path of joy is not just a fair-weather route. It’s a commitment to positivity, even when faced with challenges.

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About the author

Hey, I’m Joris!

I’m a spiritual counselor on a mission to understand what it truly means to live a happy, joyful life. I explore all sorts of topics I am curious about within spirituality and lifestyle, and share what I learn along the way. I hope you feel inspired and empowered here to live your happiest, most vibrant life!