Nature Touches My Heart
One morning, as I contemplated my desire to connect with higher consciousness, often referred to as ‘vertical communication’ in the course I’m taking, a robust bumblebee flew against my window. I interpreted this as nature’s invitation to step outside. It was a much-needed pause.
Every morning, I walk barefoot through the garden, grounding my body and consciously connecting with the earth element. This ritual, accompanied by breathing exercises and gratitude for the garden’s plants, is a sacred practice. I express appreciation for each plant, like the blooming wisteria, whose scented flowers bring me joy.
While strolling, a beautiful bird, unfamiliar to me, perched on the fence. Intrigued by this rare visitor, I observed it with love. We made eye contact and had a moment of true connection. In this moment of true connecting, something magical and unexpected happened. The bird flew up and it flew toward me, hovering a moment in front of me and then touching my chest near the heart.
I was completely stunned by this miracle that just happened. The bird had flown to my heart and touched it! Surely not a normal act for a wild bird. It was as if it gave me a reminder of what is truly important in life: to live from the heart. For me, this one moment was an experience of pure love and true connection. This emotional awakening had left me trembling on my knees and it made my priority in life clear: It is time to start living from the heart.
Later that day I identified the bird as a redstart, a bird rather uncommon in both nature and the city. While still thinking about this profound moment, I had an insight about my earlier pondering on opening a door to higher communication. It became clear that this experience showed me how higher consciousness already communicates with me. It talks through encounters in nature and through the love I feel in my heart. The love I feel for the natural world is my gateway to higher dimensions. Connecting with nature brings me to my gentle, natural essence, where doubts dissolve, and questions vanish. In these moments of connection, mother nature communicates many subtle messages. The question is… Are we listening? And are we allowing love to flow?
Birds, in particular, have been a source of joy throughout my life. The wren’s morning song symbolizes the expression of love. When we let love flow and express it, life’s problems fade away.
In our modern society, it often strikes me that many people predominantly live in their heads, caught up in constant thinking. After the miraculous encounter with the redstart, where nature spoke to me in its own language, I discovered a profound truth — that living from the heart is the key to a vibrant, magical and meaningful life. Here are some insights and practical tips that might guide you on this heart-centered journey.
1) Take Time to Relax and Simply Be: Many people are constantly busy, and during my travels through Europe, I had numerous moments to spend time in nature. I meditated next to mountain rivers, lazed around in herb gardens, and observed butterflies and bees. These moments of relaxation and simply ‘being’ allowed me to connect with my core and my heart. Tears welled in my eyes, and I felt a profound sense of being at home. Life is often taken too seriously; making room for play, laughter, and spontaneity during moments of relaxation is crucial.
2) Meditate on Love: I have explored various meditation methods, including focusing on breathing, using a mantra, or centering on silence, and each brought me closer to a state of inner stillness. However, I have discovered a method that resonates most profoundly with me – meditating on the energy of Love.
This technique allows me to reach a deeper state of meditation, where everything fades away except the overwhelming feeling of love. Love has the remarkable power to concentrate my focus and absorb my attention entirely. The space around me dissolves, my thoughts fade, and even my awareness of my own body diminishes.
How do I achieve this tuning? It’s akin to adjusting a radio. I tune into the energy of Love. Sometimes, I start by recalling an image that evokes strong feelings of love, joy, or appreciation. This serves as a gateway to the corresponding emotions, and I immerse myself in this profound sensation until I am completely absorbed by it.
At other times, I find it unnecessary to visualize an image first. I can effortlessly dive straight into the feeling of love. The tuning process becomes quicker and more natural. The feeling of Love becomes a constant companion throughout my day.
3) Care for Other People: One of the most powerful ways to live from the heart is to actively care for others. This genuine care for people and nature has a transformative effect on your life, fostering a deep and sincere desire to serve others. Here are some practical tips on how to express care:
- Practice Empathy & Bridging: Take the time to understand others’ perspectives and feelings. Empathy creates a connection that transcends words and actions, fostering a sense of understanding and compassion. This is how you build a bridge from your heart to their heart.
- Listen Actively: Truly listening to someone is an act of profound care. Put aside distractions, maintain eye contact, and provide your full attention. Validate their feelings and thoughts without judgment. During my work as a counselor, it is a very important skill to really listen to my client. Communication and relating with others will improve if we take time to really listen to each other. You could call this listening with your heart.
- Offer a Helping Hand: Acts of kindness, no matter how small, can make a significant impact. Whether it’s assisting with a task, offering support during challenging times, or simply being there for someone, these gestures emanate from the heart.
- Share Positivity: Spread positivity and encouragement. Compliment others genuinely, celebrate their achievements, and provide words of encouragement when needed. A positive environment contributes to a collective sense of well-being. I have learned in life that is does not so much matter what you do, but with what attitude you approach your task. You can spread joy while working in the garden, while scrubbing the floor, while baking bread. It’s about the vibrational energy that you exude and not so much about your circumstances. This is true joy and freedom. This joy comes from the heart.
- Express Gratitude: Acknowledge and appreciate the people around you. Expressing gratitude fosters a sense of connection and uplifts both the giver and the receiver. Take the time to recognize the positive impact others have on your life. Every evening I write some things I appreciated during my day in my appreciation diary.
- Invest in Relationships: Invest time and effort into your relationships. Whether it’s with family, friends, or colleagues, being present and engaged in your interactions strengthens the bonds you share. Quality relationships are built on mutual care and understanding. In our relationships with others we can mirror to one another what it is like to live from the heart.
4) Walking the Path of Joy: A few years ago, I made a pivotal decision to embark on what I call the ‘path of joy.’ This involves embracing actions that spark enthusiasm and making choices guided by the heart. By aligning with my passion, I navigate the path of least resistance, listening to the inner guidance from a higher source. Walking on the path of joy has brought more flow, synchronicity and inner peace into my life. Unexpected pleasant surprises and magic moments become regular occurrences.
For more insights on walking the path of joy, you can explore this article.
5) Make time for Healing: While connecting with our core, we can find the energy of pure love. However, often, allowing healing is necessary if we wish to have more easy access to our hearts. For more insights on healing, you can explore this article
If you my dear reader have any experiences to share about living from the heart, then please share your story as a comment.
About the author

Hey, I’m Joris!
I’m a spiritual counselor on a mission to understand what it truly means to live a happy, joyful life. I explore all sorts of topics I am curious about within spirituality and lifestyle, and share what I learn along the way. I hope you feel inspired and empowered here to live your happiest, most vibrant life!