The Butterfly Effect of Your State of Being

By -Published On: 8 February 2024-

The flap of a butterfly’s wings in Brazil could cause a hurricane in Texas months later. This metaphor originates from American mathematician and meteorologist Edward Lorenz. The ‘butterfly effect’ explains how a small change can lead to a significant impact. This metaphor creates a clear picture for me that even our small actions can have a great effect.

Many people believe that our small actions will have little to no effect. I see things differently. As I see it, all actions that come from love and kindness are of great importance. You never know what the positive effect of your action will be. Perhaps your loving action sets off a chain reaction that changes the whole world for the better.

Perhaps the following image helps to describe what I mean. If you look at the inside/mechanism of a watch or clock, you see various gears that are interconnected. If one of the gears turns, all the other gears automatically turn as well. It is the same with our small, loving actions. When we change, this change brings about a change in the entire universe. Precisely because everything is interconnected, something small cannot change without also changing the entire universe. Once you truly understand this, you can never again say that your small loving actions do not count in the bigger picture. NO, even a small act sets off a TOTAL change in the universe, just like the gears of a watch cannot turn independently.

As you know, I often write about the unity of existence. The beauty of unity is that when we heal something within ourselves, it also has a healing effect on the whole. If you heal a trauma or pattern within yourself, you also help every other human being in the present, future, and past who deals with the same issue.

Given the unity of existence, our ‘state of being’ also influences the whole. If I radiate love and joy, this vibration spreads throughout the entire universe. It is like throwing a pebble into the water. The vibration affects the whole.

This love we feel penetrates walls, it reaches every corner of the infinite universe, and it influences everything and everyone. How beautiful is that? With our loving state of being, we can contribute to the whole. We can influence the whole without leaving our meditation cushions.

After all, we are multidimensional beings. The vibration of our state of being affects your current self, your future self, your self in the past, your pet, your family, your village, your region, your province, your country, your continent, the earth, the planets of the Milky Way galaxy, the stars, the entire universe, and even the multiverse. With your vibration, you touch the whole, because you are inseparably connected to the whole. We are the whole.

Even though I passionately believe that this is how it works, I also find it important to express love in a more down-to-earth way. I want to express love in all aspects. So not just from my meditation cushion. I want to express love both on the practical level and on the energetic level.

To give a practical example from my life: I recently saw pieces of styrofoam floating in the ditch around the corner from us. I took a few minutes to clean the ditch of all the trash people throw in it. After a few minutes, I had fished out plastic bottles, plastic bags, and styrofoam from the ditch. So that the coots, grebes, ducks, and swans also have a clean home. This is one of my ways of expressing love. As beautiful as it is to radiate love, for me, it also feels powerful to take responsibility on a practical level. How do I react when I see a can or bottle on the ground? I pick it up… If I don’t do it, who will? Of course, I don’t pick up every can I see, but it’s about taking responsibility. Then we step into our power.

It feels good to make loving choices that are in harmony with nature. And the beautiful thing is: as we change, our world changes too. How could it be otherwise… the physical world is a reflection of our inner self.

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Hey, I’m Joris!

I’m a spiritual counselor on a mission to understand what it truly means to live a happy, joyful life. I explore all sorts of topics I am curious about within spirituality and lifestyle, and share what I learn along the way. I hope you feel inspired and empowered here to live your happiest, most vibrant life!