A new inner foundation
In a world where there is so much rapid change, where old systems are collapsing and where the foundations are shaking beneath us, we all feel the need for a positive turn. Many people look to world leaders to come to their rescue. However, authenticity & sincerity seems to be far from world leaders. Nothing outside ourselves is going to save us. We have to be the solution ourselves. First we need to awaken, heal and change ourselves, then the collective will follow.
The physical world is a reflection of ourselves. If we want the reflection in a mirror to show us a smile, we first have to smile ourselves. Similarly, if we want to see a reflection in our physical world, we must first change ourselves. One of the universal laws is: what you send out comes back to you.
Nothing outside of ourselves can offer a solution, we must turn within. We must first let something new be born within ourselves. A new inner foundation. The fundamental question now is: Who do you want to be? Or perhaps something more specific: Who do you want to be in the new world that is emerging?
For me, the answer is that I want to be an embodiment of certain qualities. A blend of the following qualities: Sincerity, authenticity, integrity, transparency, courage, true love and inner peace. This mix of divine qualities is my new foundation in life. All the outer circumstances of my life are constantly changing, but I have found rock solid confidence in my higher self (the Source within) and my new inner foundation.
How does this basic attitude/state-of-being show itself in your daily life? You walk down the street in a different way. With a deep sense of inner peace. There is no trace of hurry. Not a trace of fear. There is a deep presence in the Now. There is a deep sense of love and reverence for the life you meet along the way. Everything that shows itself to you, you embrace with love.
Love shows itself in a deep respect and reverence for all life around you. Nature is sacred, every human being is sacred, the earth is sacred. You see, honor and salute the divinity in everything and everyone. You no longer walk around as a human being on a planet. You walk about as a divine being in the sacred Self. I also call this the awakening of your inner master. You are no longer of the world but in the world.
It doesn’t matter if other people are aware of this inner change/awakening in you. You know that you are born again. You know you are the light and you let your light shine everywhere you go. Popularity and what others think of you no longer means anything to you. Even though your love and light might not be noticed. It does not matter. Indirectly, your light & love has a positive and healing effect on all of humanity. How could it be otherwise… we are all one. When you change yourself, you change the whole.
How constant is this mastery in my life? To be honest this is a work in progress for me. It is an ongoing process that requires constant presence and attentiveness. It is so easy to fall asleep again and lose yourself in ego structures. In addition to the inner master who goes through life awake, consciously and lovingly, there is also an ‘ego’ present in my life that arises when I fall asleep again.
However, you can also use the ego for the growth of your consciousness. Every time the ego (expressed as fear, greed, judgment, shame, disappointment, anger, etc.) shows up, this is a perfect opportunity to practice healing & forgiveness. It’s a perfect opportunity to examine your triggers, to release patterns, to get to know your beliefs. In this way you use triggers from your ego for your consciousness growth. After you forgive and learn, you return to your foundation of inner peace and love.
This is my growth process for the last couple of years. I use all the darkness I see in the world as a symbol to birth the noblest, highest version of myself. Even if at some point I let go of my physical body, I take my growth in consciousness with me. My inner master is the foundation that is stable. It is the foundation I can rely on throughout my life. I trust in the Self.
There will come a time when we will reap the rewards if we give birth to the most elevated version of ourselves each moment of our lives. I am happy with all the loving, small acts of kindness I see with my fellow man! We are all on the path to becoming nicer and more loving human beings. Keep it up! I love you!
About the author

Hey, I’m Joris!
I’m a spiritual counselor on a mission to understand what it truly means to live a happy, joyful life. I explore all sorts of topics I am curious about within spirituality and lifestyle, and share what I learn along the way. I hope you feel inspired and empowered here to live your happiest, most vibrant life!