Co-creating New Earth Stories
For two years I have been meditating every night for more balance and love on our planet. This positive focus always feels very healing. This good feeling led to a creative idea that made me happy.
Wouldn’t it be nice if I could co-create with others to bring more love to our planet? If I do something on my own, that is of course already beautiful, but if I can focus the love energy together with others, it will of course only become more powerful! If we join forces, we can create a new story.
This is how I came up with the idea of organizing a writing game in which everyone writes a short story about how they imagine the new earth. What do you think the new Earth would look like? What images come to your mind? If you really write from your heart what story would emerge? Do you also feel enthusiasm to participate in this writing co-creation?
Are you in? Here’s the idea for the writing game:
The intention of these ‘new earth stories’ is that we mutually inspire each other. What you give attention to grows and this gives our positive vision of the future more power. The energy of love is now so needed to restore balance to our planet. Love is the greatest gift you can give Mother Earth and humanity right now. In this way we as a collective can make the fastest shift to a new earth where we live in harmony with each other again.
I am certainly curious about which stories you will write! Let me know if you like to participate.
With kind regards,
The latest stories
Story 1: Unveiling the Layers: A Vision for the Future.
Story 2: A Glimpse of the New Earth: A Vision of Unity and Joy
Story 3: The Renewed Earth: A Vision of Harmony and Healing
Actually, I would rather speak of a renewed Earth, a healed Earth, because that is what we humans must do in this time: sanctify the Earth. By healing ourselves through ever more love and thus restoring the Earth to its former glory.
It is said that Mother Earth is now raising her vibrational frequency, and I realize that this is happening because her soul is becoming spiritualized, because she is dying. She has no choice, because we have taken away and altered her matter. Most of us no longer feel or recognize her as our Mother, our Mater. Her soul is already departing. Perhaps we can still call her back by showing that we realize we love her and that we are doing everything in our power to restore her health. Her increase in frequency is a consequence of our (mis)deeds. Therefore, we humans must also raise our frequency if we want to continue to exist here. Those who cannot keep up will fall away. There is no other way.
So, how do we raise our frequency? By thinking better, being open to other ideas, speaking truth, becoming aware, becoming more loving, helping the vulnerable, both humans and animals, as well as nature itself. And thus, the Earth. We are her children! And that we respect our Creator: as He created her and us, it was good.
We must observe and work together for the renewal of ourselves and of the Earth. Then the Earth will be a paradise to live in again.
How do I envision this paradise?
Mother Earth covered with lush nature, where people live together in harmony, with love and joy, supporting each other where needed.
I see communities of people growing their own vegetables, fruits, and herbs, mostly self-sufficient, and exchanging their surplus for other products or simply giving them away.
I see schools where teachers teach children to discover and develop their talents, for example, based on their birth horoscope. And where children are taught everything they truly need in life, where they are truly guided to adulthood.
I see further education in which the influence of stars and planets on humans and the rest of nature is rediscovered, so that people in the cosmos once again see the order that exists. So, order and rhythm instead of chaos.
I see an orderly peaceful life with four highlights in the year when everyone celebrates together: the changing of the seasons: Midsummer, Midwinter, and the evening feasts.
I see a lot of nature, where people do not need mobile phones because they are so connected to each other that they are attuned to each other and know and feel when something is wrong with another. There is no more serious suffering, no animal suffering, no hunger, no refugee, no lonely person. Everything is in balance. As soon as something falls out of balance, there is help and support to restore the balance.
All is peace and tranquility. And the Creator saw that it was good.
Story 4: Dawning of the New Earth: Embracing Harmony and Connection!
I yawned, stretched, and rolled over onto my side as I opened my eyes. The sunlight illuminated the clay wall. I followed the path of the sunbeam, which ended on our bedroom wall and had once begun its journey at the sun. Sunlight streamed through the window of our bedroom, casting a beautiful glow on the branches of the birch tree standing just about 2 meters in front of the bedroom window. Even though it was still early, I could hear the birds singing, I spotted a few butterflies fluttering around, and a bumblebee buzzed past the window.
The window had been open all night. It could; fortunately, there had been no car traffic at night since, well… how long had that been now… Cars were a thing of the past. They were no longer necessary. Each person could now travel in a very different way. It was called teleportation. And while it felt wonderful, the word sounded fantastic, and I felt so grateful that it was now possible, it still took some getting used to.
Actually, everything was getting used to… and yet also not. Everything was different. Until recently, there had been cars driving, planes flying, wars, environmental pollution, quarreling and arguing, and you no longer knew who could be trusted or who was speaking the truth. It had felt like a dark shadow hanging over the world. And despite that dark shadow, we had continued to believe. Together, we had made our light and love grow bigger and bigger to create the tipping point. The tipping point at which the New Earth would take physical form. We already knew… it had been palpable in the energy for a long time, and it was only a matter of time before the old, dysfunctional systems would collapse. It had been tough, challenging, confronting, frightening, and sometimes people had felt despair. But that deep feeling, that certainty, had remained. Among all those Lightbearers; the people who knew what was coming, what would happen. They knew what their task was and that they would persevere, no matter what; out of love, out of gentleness, out of wholeness, out of their own light and strength.
And now it was here… the New Earth. So yes, it took some getting used to and yet also not. Because the feeling I felt now and the energy that was present now, I already knew it… from then, from long ago, from once, from there… from where I once was…
The spot where the sun shone its light on the wall had shifted slightly. And it was already wonderfully warm in the bedroom. I got out of bed, gave my dear friend, whom I had met during a walk and immediately knew that we were destined for each other in this life, a kiss on his forehead while he slept, and walked into the living room. Caminho, our dog, jumped happily up to me. Still in my pajamas and barefoot, I walked with Caminho into our garden. I already saw Lisa, Joep, Elise, and Hanneke walking outside in the garden. They all walked barefoot, in silence, in peace. Connected with themselves and the environment. Together with Caminho, I walked as the first to the birch tree next to our cottage. I put my hands on its trunk and gave the tree a hug. The grounding energy of the tree gave me even more life energy, and I decided to sit against this beautiful tree for a moment. Caminho walked with his wagging black and white tail through the berry bushes. I laughed at his enthusiasm so early in the morning. Soon we would be able to pick the berries again. The apples, pears, nuts, plums, figs, and many other fruits were also hanging from the trees, glistening. I took a few deep breaths and enjoyed the fresh air. It was a big difference. Since there was no more pollution, the air was so much nicer to breathe, and it was also so much easier. As if with one breath, I could supply my whole body with oxygen.
I walked around the garden with all my attention and felt my body waking up more and more. My feet felt wonderful on the grass, still moist from the dew. A little mouse slipped away under some tree bark when I bent down to see if there were already ripe raspberries. “Hi mouse. Look, there are already delicious ripe raspberries hanging here,” I said. I picked them to put them on the breakfast table later. I saw Lisa stroking the chickens and heard her thanking them for the eggs this morning. Hanneke walked with her towel to the small stream that ran through our garden. Yes, we could also take a wonderful shower in the bathroom that every clay house had and that was beautifully decorated with mosaic tiles. But there was nothing like a refreshing moment in the stream that ran through our garden. Elise walked to the beehives. The bees were already busy flying back and forth to collect nectar. Elise smiled when one little bee landed on her hand. I saw her giving it a wink. Joep had just set the table with his own-made clay dishes. He had incorporated the most beautiful natural shades into them; from moss green to earth brown and from warm yellow to fresh orange. A beautiful interplay of the most beautiful colors.
I decided to go inside for a moment to gently wake up my dear friend. This morning, we would have breakfast together with all the residents, young and old. A delicious breakfast from our own garden… I felt peaceful, grateful, and intensely happy. This was Life. Life with a capital L. Connected with ourselves, each other, and nature. Where no being was excluded, and every being was happy. The New Earth… The Light and the Love were palpable everywhere.
Story 5: Embracing What Is: Earth is as perfect as you want to see it!
What does my (our) ideal Earth look like? What comes to mind?
I sense that the Earth is as perfect as you want to see it. That my world is as perfect as I choose. I can choose to be happy with duality, hate and love, darkness and light, all opinions, colors, and scents. Because if nothing is dirty, how do I know what is delicious?
It’s perfect. We have chosen this path of life to experience. Experience can go with the flow or you can swim against it by complaining. The ultimate would be that when something ‘bad’ happens, to be able to see, feel, and experience that it is necessary, for evolution, the evolution of being in all forms. That it is a gift for life to die and vice versa. And thanks to non-duality, we can ‘enjoy together’ duality. Or rather, wellicity.
Take a cold shower or splash in the water, so you can warm up, move, so you can rest, and be grateful for all suffering, because that’s how you realize how beautiful laughter is. Feel no guilt for seeing suffering as something beautiful and necessary.
What can also bring peace is realizing that we cannot make mistakes in the now. We would have done the same in the same circumstances. You are an example of what I would have done in your circumstances. When we realize this, ego becomes something beautiful. Ego is the celebration of life. And when egos come together in synergy, then ubuntu, non-duality and duality, suffering and joy in harmony. And this is possible thanks to chaos. 1+1=2, 2-1=1, 1 cannot exist without 2 and 0 has no function without 1.
So I am grateful when you are here, but also when you are not. I am grateful for this Earth.
So I realize that the new Earth is here, in our hearts, where desire is one with what is.
Infinite love,
Rising Sun
Story 6: Awakening to the Interconnected Universe: A Vision for Humanity
I slowly close my eyes, and a dream unfolds.
In contrast to the usual round trip to Dreamland, this journey is more akin to a grand awakening, unfolding in an entirely different world. A world where neighbors can love each other unconditionally, even without the need for words. A world where the happiness of a single individual will be recognized as a small yet genuine contribution to a larger Whole. A world where it’s not just the pen that is known as an integral part of Creation, but also the hand that writes with it, as well as the ink that immortalizes itself with the paper. A world where Love, Harmony, and Connection will be regarded as the highest values, inherently interwoven with every heart. A world where everyone will have the opportunity to learn from the deeper secrets of our ancestors and the Multiverse, as encrypted within the DNA of every human. A world where each person will be fully acquainted with their unique role and responsibilities, as befits a citizen of the Universe.
There will be much interest from the most unexpected areas within the vast realms of the Multiverse. Earth, and the people who inhabit it, finally find themselves in the dignified position that has always been destined according to the Universal plan. Teachings and loving connections will be established with visitors from distant worlds. Visitors, many of whom, in hindsight, are less strange than one might currently imagine. The Universal energies, or rather the physical manifestations thereof, will immediately mingle among the people. Some of them have played a role in the creation and gradual evolution of present-day humans millions of years ago.
The goal then was to ultimately create the possibility for a soul to incarnate physically on Earth from the spiritual world, to then, in all simplicity, be able to learn the chosen lessons and gradually grow to their highest potential. However, the plan would be twofold, as the multidimensional energies wishing to incarnate as humans in the future, in order to teach us from our own world, could also do so without the guise of a ‘stranger’. The well-known star children (Starseeds) have been participating in an extraordinarily special infiltration in this way for many years, or rather, they are making an enormous contribution to a unique project.
In any case, the transcendent human will be able to travel interplanetary, both with physical spacecraft and on a spiritual level. In this way, the most remote places will be discovered, and after many years, the new human will in turn spread the essential building blocks of life to other worlds and dimensions. Thus, completely new opportunities will arise for both the birth of new spiritual life and for the incarnation of older souls on entirely different worlds. Humanity will be the intelligence behind a creation that once lovingly came to life in an intelligent way. But all in due time…
First and foremost, the focus must be on the basics that everything revolves around. Namely, the realization that everything, truly everything, is carefully connected to each other. Collectively, people must come to the realization that a healthy and loving relationship with oneself also forms the foundation of all other relationships. Whether you observe a small daisy or stand at the foot of a huge mountain, ultimately, everything is interconnected from a metaphysical perspective. One day, people must be able to regard their fellow human beings, and thus all other parts of Creation, whether large or small, from such a light. Who knows, this may open a multitude of doors that have remained closed until now. Who knows, humanity may one day be endowed with the privilege of leading a new dawn themselves. Who knows, this may once be our collective destiny.
I now open my eyes again and realize that this is my deepest wish for humanity. And from that inspiration, I wish everyone a magical new year.
‘May the Love be with you!’
Story 7: Remembering Our True Essence: Embracing Connection on the New Earth
Story 8: Starseeds are here to build New Earth
I sometimes go into meditation and try to visualize New Earth, the better future for humanity to live in… It is the reason why all of us starseeds actually came here – to help building it, experiencing it, living it; using an example of our own home planets as a model for a galactic society.
Galactic society is the keyword for New Earth for me- a society not only without borders on Earth, but also one in open contact with the Galactic Federation, our brothers and sisters.
I believe that starseeds will be the representatives for humanity, the first ones that will experience visiting the lightships. At some point in time; representatives of all benevolent alien races will land on Earth to greet us in an First Contact. Every starseed will then have the possibility to find their soul family among them, to visit their ships and also to work with them on various projects of restoring the Earth to its original beauty.
The star family will live in Cosmic cities- the cities where they will have the surroundings that they need, with similar conditions as on their home planets. The ETs will live there temporarily, to help transform Earth into a Galactic society, and afterwards leave for their home planet. But every benevolent race will leave a base on Earth, where a few representatives will always stay.
They will help us to remember the gifts that we have forgotten- telepathy, levitation and teleportation to another place on Earth in a second. So, everybody who wants to will develop new powers, which will make life much easier.
Planes, trains and cars will then naturally fall away, there will be much better ways going somethere. It will be possible just to think about a place, and to be there next second.
Also, starseeds will have the choice- after the needed work on Earth will be done, to stay on Earth or to relocate to their home planets and galaxies. There will be total freedom and no restrictions.
When it comes to jobs; there will be programs that will help people to discover their unique talents and passions; and how to use them for the benefit of all. Nobody will have to do a job that they hate, because money will fall away as well.
The most important work however; will be the one of transforming the Earth into a better place. There will be lots of projects in working with nature- cleaning up the human made mess for example.
A lot of diplomatic work will be needed as well with travelling to different countries. All the weapons and arms will have to be destroyed or used differently- Peace will be restored.
New interesting, creative jobs will emerge- Nature Healer, Cosmic Diplomat, Teacher of New Powers, Ecology Restorer. Starseeds will work in these areas as a project, which will last a few months or maybe 1 year. Working in the same job/project for years will not be nessesary anymore. There will be too much different exciting work to do!
Nobody will have to work 40 hours a week. There will be no fixed working hours – everybody will work in his/ her possibilities/wishes. In the free time, people will be creative, going into nature, working on themselves or connecting to others – TV and entertainment will be replaced by social games on fresh air, music, art, developing new powers.
New towns will be built which will not have any single flats[1]everyone will be sharing a house with 10 – 30 other people. But it will be easy to do so, because by that time everyone will find his/her soul family and live/work with them on the same projects. Every community house will be surrounded by beautiful gardens and nature. Big cities will not exist anymore, because they are not in tune with nature.
As for the health industry, hospitals and pharmacies will not exist anymore. They will be replaced by large Healing Centers which will have Med Beds, natural medicine produced there directly, treatments like massage, mineral pools and surrounded by beautiful gardens where the healing herbs will grow. Many healers will work on places like this using spiritual Healing methods. Every ailment will take a much shorter time to be healed – I would say a maximum of 3 months. Chemical pharmaceuticals will fall away.
New Earth will all be about Sacred Connections. Those who have a Sacred Partner (a twin flame) on Earth will know who it is and they will get together in a loving relationship. It will be the normal regular thing and these couples will serve as a role model for others how to build a unconditional, loving 5D connection without jealousy, control etc. Also the Union will not be about building a house together and having kids, but mostly about shining Love together and working also on a shared mission.
Those who have their twins on other planets, will travel to meet them there. Others will get together with soulmates or stay single. Painful karmic connections or connections based on lust or material gains will not exist anymore. Because the soul connection will be what matters. Many couples will not even live under the same roof together- but will prefer more freedom instead.
Also, there will be a possibility to open a channel- like the modern telephone- to other dimensions and to talk with loved ones passed away living there. Every connection will be possible. When people will get out in nature, they will naturally communicate telephatically with plants, animals and nature spirits. They will feel and see nature very deeply and will care for everything that lives on Earth. Animals will not be scared of humans anymore, and it will be possible to touch them, feed them and communicate – with every animal on Earth.
The Inner Earth- Agartha- will open ist doors for everybody who wants to visit it. Humans will also have the choice to live there. The residents of Inner Earth will share with us all their technologies and we will unite as one Earth Race.
Real democracy will be the norm on Earth, where people will decide whats best for the people- and everyone can have his/her expression in petitions and votings. All decisions will be based on the principles: Love, Connection and Harmony.
All human races will feel as One and there will be no separation anymore. Everyone will believe in one Creator being who created us all.
There will be also different days of celebrations. National days of celebrations existing only in certain countries, will not be needed anymore. They will be replaced by celebrations for the whole Earth: “ The Day of Peace”, “ First Contact Day” etc. Easter, Christmas or other celebrations will have no meaning anymore on New Earth.
Tourism and the whole hotel industry as we know it will also cease to exist. People will go to other countries to work on certain projects, meet soul family or do healing…. small retreats in the middle of nature will be there instead of large hotel buildings. At the end all the lies of the governments will be exposed. There will be only Truth and clear communication because of telepathy. Everyone can have an insight of previous lives through the Akashic library and will discover their true origin. There will be nothing hidden anymore, everything will come to the surface.
The word “ impossible” will be replaced by endless possibilities. People will live in full Health up to 500 years if they wish to. Life will be an endless joy instead of struggle for everyone. All humans will be equal. Law of Attraction will happen much faster on New Earth- by thinking of it the desired reality will appear very soon…. so in a short time, people will start living the life of their dreams.
Story 9: The New Earth: Living in Harmony and Unity
“The new earth is a sacred place. Every living being that inhabits it is equally sacred. Every blade of grass is sacred because it is a part of the divine creation. The beings on this new earth do not perceive themselves as separate from all other beings. They know that they are individualized aspects of the overarching divine consciousness. With this awareness of Unity, there are no more conflicts on the planet. For why would you fight with yourself? We consciously choose to dedicate ourselves to the whole. Our motto is: Love all. Serve all.
After the great awakening, we have all started living more from our feelings. Feeling takes precedence on the new earth over thinking. In other words, we live less in the head and more in the heart. By diving deeper and feeling more intensely, life has become much more colorful and beautiful. It feels magical! During a walk in nature, you can expect synchronicities around every corner. We approach everything we encounter in daily life with a sense of wonder and appreciation. Nothing is taken for granted. Everything is a miracle!
We have learned again to cooperate with nature. Our golden rule in every choice we make is: Is this choice in harmony with nature? If something is not beneficial for humans, animals, or plants, we simply don’t do it. We collaborate with the elemental beings, nature spirits, animals, plants, and the living planet itself. Food forests and gardens provide us with the food we desire. Actually, food on the new earth is optional. Everything our bodies need can be obtained directly from prana (life force).
On the new earth, there is abundance. Nature provides us with everything we need. Therefore, we do not need to spend much energy and time setting up and maintaining survival systems. When survival no longer needs our focus, there is much space and time available for creativity and playfulness. Everyone has room to live up to their potential. We can do what makes our hearts happy.
Communication on the new earth no longer takes place through speech but through telepathy. This eliminates all noise in communication, and we understand each other completely. All communication technology is no longer needed in this world; we can see, hear, and feel each other over great distances on our own (using our pineal gland). In terms of behavior, we are completely honest and transparent with each other.
For our transportation, we no longer use vehicles. With our awakened consciousness, we simply teleport our bodies from one location to another. Our body disappears at one place and appears immediately at the new place. Flying is also an option, but we no longer need airplanes for this. We know that in this ‘earthly dream,’ we can determine the rules of the game ourselves. Everything is possible! So, we can all fly around like Superman. Flying will be as normal on the new earth as walking is now.
Governments and borders no longer exist, and the cities have disappeared. The people of the new earth cluster in small, harmonious communities. Within these communities, there is a sense of ‘tribe feeling,’ the ‘We feeling.’ It feels like one big, loving family. Within the community, everyone feels at home, safe, and supported. Everyone takes care of each other. Regularly, people come together for singing, dancing, playing, and storytelling.
The era of love has arrived, and people are empowered again. As a result, the veil between the physical world and the spiritual world has largely disappeared. Having conversations with your spiritual guides is as common for the people on the new earth as making a phone call. We have daily contact with our spiritual guides, the angels, and our brothers and sisters of the stars (star beings). Everyone feels connected to the whole. We are not just inhabitants of the world but multidimensional universe inhabitants.”
Story 10: Journey to the Heart: Rediscovering the New Earth
One day, I received a message from my good friend Joris asking if I wanted to write a story about the New Earth. In the following days, I directed my attention towards that idea until something deeply touching happened.
I felt my heart opening in love for you, dear fellow human! For years, I’ve connected daily with the Source of all life, and at that moment, it was as if a dam had burst open, allowing a river to flow through me.
Love is the way. In its light, everything becomes visible. In its mystery lies all the wisdom we need to solve things. I let myself be carried into the story that wanted to be told. Listen…
The day I met her was unlike any other day, as if it held a secret within itself. Her name was Aila. Her eyes shone like the sun, full of warmth and compassion. I wandered through the woods and fields, and together, we continued, engaging in many conversations. It was as if I had known her for a very long time.
“What are your deepest dreams?” she asked me. “I dream of a world where people live together in love,” I replied. “This world is hidden in your heart,” she said. “If you wish, we can go there together.”
We sat by the edge of a small pond, closed our eyes, and in silence, we descended into the depths within ourselves.
There, we continued our journey until a valley appeared in the distance, with a small community. Everything I saw there surprised me. There were circular buildings divided into segments like slices of a pie. Each segment was a dwelling. In the center was a vegetable garden with vegetables, fruits, and herbs, with a communal space as well.
I saw how the people lived together in loving unity, in harmony with themselves, with each other, with nature, and with their Source. I longed to belong there. Aila said they had traveled a long path of development to achieve this, and I felt that I wanted to walk that path too.
One of the residents welcomed us. He was a painter and wanted to show us where he worked. So, we came to the Center for the Arts. Each room was dedicated to a different art form. There was painting, sculpting, music composition, dancing, and the creation of poems and stories. Aila entered each one and asked the artists if they wanted to create something about the New Earth.
We continued to the center of the community. There stood a dome-shaped building with many windows at the top. It was their Sacred Space where people came together to connect with the Source. A ceremony was taking place. With deep reverence, I entered. I was amazed by the beauty of the light I saw there. It didn’t just come from the windows; the people themselves radiated light. There was a priestess playing the harp and singing beautiful songs. As I listened to her, I felt myself coming into balance.
Around the Sacred Space was a garden where a serene calmness prevailed. Walking through it, I felt connected to the trees and the flowers. The path led to a spring where a dove sat. With a warm look, it gazed at me. I felt that it would always stay with me if I wanted it to.
To quench my thirst, I drank from the spring. This water not only cleansed the body but also healed the soul. I longed to take more. As I leaned over, something special happened. The water was like a mirror in which I saw my essence, my true Self, completely one with the Source, shining with light and love. I rejoiced in joy. Aila was moved and embraced me.
As we sat down, I poured out my heart to her about everything that had ever made me angry and powerless, about all the sadness and fears I had experienced. I knew that I had now found the key to becoming free from them. Thus, we merged into a deep unity, while she comforted me.
“The path to the New Earth,” she said… “Is for every person to rediscover and unfold their true Self. Every person may rediscover her origin, her unity with the Source of all life. From the Light, there is constant help to guide people there.
There are spiritual and material building blocks to grow towards the New Earth, but everything begins in the heart. Disbelief and indifference are like obstacles on the path. The spiritual building blocks are faith, hope, and love, but there are many others that the Source wants to give. It helps if you focus on them, ask for them, are receptive to them, but the Source or God will always respect our free will. The material building blocks are completely in harmony with the earth and nature.
As I listened to her, a deep peace came over me. I glanced at the dove sitting with us and felt infinitely grateful that a glimpse of this great mystery had been revealed to me.