Dreaming about our human potential
Have you ever looked at the starry sky with a sense of wonder and dreamed about the possibilities of humanity? When I dream about a ‘golden age for humanity’ I see a humanity that is free from the current rules of human existence. In that reality we can fly, communicate telepathically and live in a permanent state of unconditional love.
We live in harmony with nature and see life as sacred again. We feel completely free to be ourselves and there is no longer any fear. In my view, we have made contact with all kinds of alien races because we are finally ready to meet them in terms of vibrational frequency. The possibilities of human potential are endless!
However, when I look at the current state of humanity, I see that we still have a long way to go. We are truly ‘masters of limitation’ at the moment. We limit human potential with a large number of limiting beliefs. Our focus is very much on the physical world and we ignore the metaphysical world. Many people do not even believe in the existence of anything beyond what they can see with their eyes. “First see, then believe” is their motto. However, what they don’t know is that it works the other way around. You have to believe in something before you are a match to see it.
Of course it is not easy to believe in something you have not experienced yourself. My own life is not filled with all kinds of mystical experiences, but mainly takes place on the material plane. Yet I feel there is more. If I turn inward and tune into my emotional world, I notice that there is a lot to discover there.
When I tune into the feelings of magic and wonder, these feelings tell me that so much more is possible. However, normal, everyday life quickly dulls such feelings and emotions. We then forget that we are divine beings with unlimited potential and we fall asleep again. This daily grind goes on and on… day to day. Over and over again a repetition of ‘more of the same’. And we even become attached to it. After all, more of the same feels nice and safe and familiar. And many people cannot escape it. They go through life like sleepwalkers without ever realizing that so much more is possible.
I can appreciate people like Wim Hof (the iceman). That guy has courage and dares to deviate from the known path. He goes through life vital, powerful and healthy. He shows that much more is possible on the physical level than we think.
But where does our true potential lie as humans? Where can we make the biggest leaps in our growth? For me the answer cannot be found on the material plane. All objects that appear in our consciousness are transient. We can only find the answer if we turn within.
Personally, I feel that I find an answer to my question by attuning to the energy of love. I find it difficult to explain exactly how I do this. But you could compare it to tuning a radio to a certain frequency. Once I feel this love, there are really no questions left. I know this is the essence of life.
What will the world look like if we all tune in to this energy of love and our emotional world? As far as I’m concerned, this is our role as humans here on earth. That we express the energy of love, joy, magic and wonder. I’m really curious about how everything will change if we all start shining our light and live in joy. Once we free ourselves from all the limitations we now impose on ourselves, we will see that our playing field will completely change.
About the author

Hey, I’m Joris!
I’m a spiritual counselor on a mission to understand what it truly means to live a happy, joyful life. I explore all sorts of topics I am curious about within spirituality and lifestyle, and share what I learn along the way. I hope you feel inspired and empowered here to live your happiest, most vibrant life!